How long should you expect your home appliances to last?

The need for electrical appliances in a household is inevitable. Some consider too much variety a whim, but actually automating almost every obligation is a future projection for manufacturers. The goal is to maximize the convenience of the hosts so that they do not feel so exhausted and do not spend so much time in the kitchen, in the laundry room, etc. The fact is, however, that every home carer has an average life expectancy, after which it must be replaced with a new one, or repaired if available and cost-effective.

What does the life of home appliances depend on?


Every customer would like to know how long he or she will be able to use the purchase of the product. This goes for everything from a small spare part to every interior decoration and equipment with the necessary electrical appliances. Still, it is a big investment, not just a one-season wear garment. The biggest dilemmas consumers face when buying new appliances are: How do I allocate my budget? Is it worth the higher price? What warranty service will I receive? A more innovative product with more electronics or more common features? What is the average life of individual appliances?

The life of electrical appliances depends on many factors, the most important of which are:

  • Usage - It is important to the extent that everyday used appliances are depreciated much faster than those used more as an accessory. For example, when a washing machine caters for 2-3 people there is one, and 5-6 members in the family are quite different. Parts of it wear out and can be damaged much faster than the average duration specified by specialists
  • Class - The higher class appliances are undoubtedly of higher quality. The price is not always decisive, but the workmanship can raise the value at the expense of higher efficiency
  • Available technologies - Today there are great innovations in the production of electrical appliances. Everyone is striving for improved technology and better features. However, most in this regard are not always better for the life of the appliance. Touch screen and electronics are signs of faster defects, some of which cannot be repaired. The fewer such features, the less chance of defects
  • Maintenance - Many consumers do not pay much attention to the washing machine, the oven, the dishwasher, the microwave, the coffee machine, etc., while they are functioning properly. However, regular cleaning can contribute a great deal to extending the life of any household appliance
  • Model and make - they are important but not paramount. Sometimes the model and brand say a lot, as there are not many companies that have proven themselves on the market with their high quality. The components of the appliance are important for good and long-term operation

What kind of service life do the different appliances have?

The purchase of electrical appliances is a major investment that requires optimal budget allocation. They usually serve the household for at least 10 years, but this depends on many factors. Of course, the longer the warranty the instrument has, the more peace of mind it provides the consumer. Keep in mind that the additional warranty can extend the original warranty up to about 5 years, which is a pretty satisfactory period. More innovative and economical models save a significant portion of electricity bills, have additional features, and so on. Here's how many manufacturers of different appliances live on average:


Oven: 13 to 15 years

Ovens come in different variations - electricity, gas and more. Electric ovens are thought to have a shorter life span - about 13 years, and gas ones reach up to 15 years. This is a standard that is indicative. There are many additional factors that determine the life of an oven - especially its care, replacement of some worn parts, whether used regularly or less frequently.

Microwave: 9 to 10 years

The microwave oven is a rather neglected home appliance, but is present in almost every kitchen. Usually even used daily. It has been running smoothly for about 10 years with regular and proper maintenance. Hygiene in a small space is imperative as the quality of the food consumed by the family depends on it. The most common damage is in the door when using the wrong cookware, burning parts and stopping its function of warming. Some parts can be replaced and extend the operating time of the appliance.


Refrigerators and freezers: from 11 to 19 years

The durability of cooling and freezing appliances is directly related to their models. The freezer has less life than the refrigerator, because it requires more work - not only to cool to different degrees, but also to freeze food. Prepare to replace the freezer after about 11 years of use. Refrigerators vary in number of doors, layout, model, features, quality - from about 14 to 19 years old. The compressor is one of the most commonly affected parts that defects over time.


Dishwashers: 9 to 13 years

The average life expectancy of a dishwasher is 9 years. It can continue to function well for up to 13 years or more if maintained properly. This means operating it regularly and cleaning its most important part - the filter. Usually faults start with the wear of the seal, which causes additional difficulty in the operation of the dishwasher until it stops completely. It's good to know when you buy a dishwasher for home that having most electronics can cause you more problems. Also pay attention to the quality, because it is important for a dishwasher to withstand rust, the components of the piping and the pump to wear more difficult.

happy-woman-showing-washing- machine

Washing machines and dryers: 10 to 14 years

Washing machines and dryers can be 2in1 or two separate appliances. A dual-appliance will save more space, but will also depreciate faster. The washing machine and dryer are some of the most commonly used appliances in the home, especially if the family has more members. Keep in mind, too, that those with front openings produce faster defects than those that open from above.

The washing machine has an average lifespan of 10-14 years, and the dryer - 10-13 years. The dryer is charged with more responsible responsibilities, so it is considered to be a more delicate appliance and with shorter operation. Both appliances have defective parts that can be replaced and replaced. However, sometimes it is more profitable to make a new purchase.